Glenn and Eve Brooker
Buying a property abroad can be fraught with danger. Having been to Turkey on many holidays and fallen in love with the country and it’s people we decided to take the step of buying our own home there. After much research on the internet we came down to a choice of two Estate Agents, and after looking at what was on offer we found that some of the properties offered were on both agents web sites, but at lower prices on the Interturk Estates site (Cenk and Olga are not greedy). we emailed them detailing what we were looking for and our budget and recieved a reply from Olga who along with Cenk arranged to meet us on our next trip. We spent a day veiwing properties and when we had a short list they took us back again, nothing was to much trouble. We have never found an estate agent that sticks to budget before or who are so meticulous. I can honestly say that Cenk and Olga made the process of buying easy, they were more than helpful and strangely for Estate Agents superbly honest. I cannot recomend them highly enough and now we would like to think of them as friends. Olga now carries out the management on our apartment for us and arranges our transfers. All of the above is 100% genuine and meant from the heart.